Getting ready for our Evangelistic Series
Our Pastoral Team had decided to get 15,000 flyers. the original plan was to mail a few thousand out but, sort of last minute it was decided for budget purposes we would hold off on mailing them. We had decided that we would start dropping them full time two weeks before the meetings were scheduled to start. The plan was to give them only to people we made contact with at the doors, people who we could personally invite.
Our Pastoral Team had decided to get 15,000 flyers. the original plan was to mail a few thousand out but, sort of last minute it was decided for budget purposes we would hold off on mailing them. We had decided that we would start dropping them full time two weeks before the meetings were scheduled to start. The plan was to give them only to people we made contact with at the doors, people who we could personally invite.
12 Days (before the meetings) x 11 boxes(which had 983 flyers each) = ______ flyers we need to get out per day.
out per day. That was a number that was more then we could handle. Mike and Joey were both still getting their contacts ready for the series and we had our Spiritual Friends class we were preparing for, and on top of that our House mom was getting ready to leave and we were doing our best to make things easy at home as well. Long story short we were swamp. We had done a test run of how long it would take( at the pace of church members) to get out 500 flyers to the community. Mike and I found it took 2 1/2 hours passing them out, but it took 3 planning drops and driving to them. The test was to gage the baseline of the amount of help and time we would need.
It was simple we didn't have enough hands to make the deadline for the flyers. Sabbath we had plan an outreach an by the grace of God people came out we had about 25 that day. Sunday we had 20 and each day we planned and worked to make our time more efficient with the people we had. Monday it dropped to 10 Ricky came and helped lead, Tuesday we had our faithful 3 the Khan sisters. Three young girls from Pakistan but are punjab in blood. Their names are Taiba 9, Nefeesa 10, Mariam 12 they were the faithful 3 that came out each day for 5 days straight to help Mike, Joey, and I pass out flyers. Each day following Sunday Joey had told the girls he would call their mom to ask for permission so that they could come. Their mother told Joey on Monday, " they woke up and came to my room asking if the you had called yet." They were so excited to help, we asked them later while driving to and from territory. "What do you like most about passing out flyers?" they answered, its fun, its easy, and most importantly the affect it will have on the people that come to the series. We praise God for their work and shared with them this quote.
In the closing scenes of earth’s history, many of these children and youth will astonish people by their witness to the truth, which will be borne in simplicity, yet with spirit and power. They have been taught the fear of the Lord, and their hearts have been softened by a careful and prayerful study of the Bible. In the near future, many children will be endued with the Spirit of God, and will do a work in proclaiming the truth to the world, that at that time cannot well be done by the older members of the church.” Counsels to Teachers, pp. 166,167
Miriam and Taiba Khan. |
Wednesday we gained Stanley an awesome trumpet playing brother who is devoted to the Lord, he came out and helped us get the last of our flyers out.
In total we got all the flyers out, we saved 250 for the meetings and by the grace of God alone we
got the help we needed to complete a task we could not finish on our own.
God had supplied the necessary help and we had completed it on time.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 - "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it."(kjv)
Pray for our meetings.
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