The was Monday and now two days later I was their opening the Word to both of them. We studied Daniel chapter 2 it was a joy trying to figure out how to pronounce Baby-lawn and King Nebuchadnezzar, but the best part was the relief the had, the breath of fresh air they took when I revealed what the stone was. "The Kingdom of God. A Kingdom that will last forever, and there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying." Old thing have passed away behold, all things have become new. ( 2 Cor 5:17) please pray for them. and for our next study.
The other more minor thing I want to praise God for was the fact that I was finally able to get my phone fixed. I had cracked the screen on day knocking doors it had fallen out of my bag. I was looking for places to fix it. The estimates were no less then $110 which is still good! but I didn't want to pay that much. So I decided that i would look up on Youtube to see how difficult it would be to change an cracked screen and digitizer. It didn't seem extremely difficult so I bought the screen, digitizer, and tools on Amazon for $31.00.
Yesterday I got the stuff and after our pastors meeting I began working on my phone. It has been very difficult not having a phone I wish I had a picture of how bad it was. I couldn't do anything, except make calls cause of Siri, the problem with that was that i couldn't hang up! It was so bad. Well after spending a few hours rechecking my work it finally work back to normal. Praise God I can now make calls, receive them, hang up and best of all I saved at least $70 dollars! I'm no expert but I am grateful for the results!
I'm blessed to hear that you have begun your first offucial Bible study....May our Heavenly Father guide and direct you and o p dn the minds of the young mothers and msy they understand the lessons and be blessed and bd a blessing for their families as well. Oh, and thank God you were able to fix your phone!