Friday, February 20, 2015

My First Study, My First Repair!

First and for most I want to praise God for the opportunity He has given each one of us, in taking part of the greatest work ever interested into man. The work of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world clouded by the evils of this world. I so thankful to be learning more and more about the soul winning work. I was given the opportunity after hours, day, and weeks, to finally give my first Bible Study to a couple of young mothers; Aurora, and Fernanda. We first made contact with them outside of their house Aurora was getting a couple of treat for the Paletero man (ice man in Spanish) for her girls.

The was Monday and now two days later I was their opening the Word to both of them. We studied Daniel chapter 2 it was a joy trying to figure out how to pronounce Baby-lawn and King Nebuchadnezzar, but the best part was the relief the had, the breath of fresh air they took when I revealed what the stone was. "The Kingdom of God. A Kingdom that will last forever, and there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying." Old thing have passed away behold,  all things have become new. ( 2 Cor 5:17)  please pray for them. and for our next study.  

The other more minor thing I want to praise God for was the fact that I was finally able to get my phone fixed. I had cracked the screen on day knocking doors it had fallen out of my bag. I was looking for places to fix it. The estimates were no less then $110 which is still good! but I didn't want to pay that much. So I decided that i would look up on Youtube to see how difficult it would be to change an cracked screen and digitizer. It didn't seem extremely difficult so I bought the screen, digitizer, and tools on Amazon for $31.00.

Yesterday I got the stuff and after our pastors meeting I began working on my phone. It has been very difficult not having a phone I wish I had a picture of how bad it was. I couldn't do anything, except make calls cause of Siri, the problem with that was that i couldn't hang up! It was so bad.  Well after spending a few hours rechecking my work it finally work back to normal. Praise God I can now make calls, receive them, hang up and best of all I saved at least $70 dollars! I'm no expert but I am grateful for the results!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Flyers, Flyers, Flyers!!!

Getting ready for our Evangelistic Series
Our Pastoral Team had decided to get 15,000 flyers. the original plan was to mail a few thousand out but, sort of last minute it was decided for budget purposes we would hold off on mailing them. We had decided that we would start dropping them full time two weeks before the meetings were scheduled to start. The plan was to give them only to people we made contact with at the doors, people who we could personally invite.

Well now we are two weeks away  from the meetings Mike and I had been giving them to people we met but that was not enough. Our Sunday outreach was decent, but the bottom line was that we still had 11 boxes left and each box had approx. 983 flyers. So lets do the math.

12 Days (before the meetings) x 11 boxes(which had 983 flyers each) = ______ flyers we need to get out per day.

It comes out to 10,813 flyers, and 901 had to go 
out per day. That was a number that was more then we could handle. Mike and Joey were both still getting their contacts ready for the series and we had our Spiritual Friends class we were preparing for, and on top of that our House mom was getting ready to leave and we were doing our best to make things easy at home as well. Long story short we were swamp. We had done a test run of how long it would take( at the pace of church members) to get out 500 flyers to the community. Mike and I found it took 2 1/2 hours passing them out, but it took 3 planning drops and driving to them. The test was to gage the baseline of the amount of help and time we would need. 

It was simple we didn't have enough hands to make the deadline for the flyers. Sabbath we had plan an outreach an by the grace of God people came out we had about 25 that day. Sunday we had 20 and each day we planned and worked to make our time more efficient with the people we had. Monday it dropped to 10 Ricky came and helped lead, Tuesday we had our faithful 3 the Khan sisters. Three young girls from Pakistan but are punjab in blood. Their names are Taiba 9, Nefeesa 10, Mariam 12 they were the faithful 3 that came out each day for 5 days straight to help Mike, Joey, and I pass out flyers. Each day following Sunday Joey had told the girls he would call their mom to ask for permission so that they could come. Their mother told Joey on Monday, " they woke up and came to my room asking if the you had called yet." They were so excited to help, we asked them later while driving to and from territory. "What do you like most about passing out flyers?" they answered, its fun, its easy, and most importantly the affect it will have on the people that come to the series. We praise God for their work and shared with them this quote.

In the closing scenes of earth’s history, many of these children and youth will astonish people by their witness to the truth, which will be borne in simplicity, yet with spirit and power. They have been taught the fear of the Lord, and their hearts have been softened by a careful and prayerful study of the Bible. In the near future, many children will be endued with the Spirit of God, and will do a work in proclaiming the truth to the world, that at that time cannot well be done by the older members of the church.” Counsels to Teachers, pp. 166,167

Miriam and Taiba Khan.
Wednesday we gained Stanley an awesome trumpet playing brother who is devoted to the Lord, he came out and helped us get the last of our flyers out. 

In total we got all the flyers out, we saved 250 for the meetings and by the grace of God alone we 
got the help we needed to complete a task we could not finish on our own.
God had supplied the necessary help and we had completed it on time.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 - "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it."(kjv)

Pray for our meetings.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A.F.C.O.E Germany

This is Teresa M. Berkebile, our house mom. She entered the church less than a year ago along with Isaiah Daniel, who is now attending SOULS Northwest. They both came into the church during "The Revelation of Hope" prophecy seminar, last year.

She opened up her home to us not knowing what was going to happen. All she knew was that we were from SOULS West and were going to do "the same thing Joey does." Right off the bat she told us that she was leaving in February to go to a school. You guessed it! AFCOE, but she wasn't going to the one close to home. She was going to Germany.  Frankfurt, to be exact, a place she knows well because she grew up there as child in an Air force family. She planned to leave early so that she could visit some of the places she grew up in. So on January the 29th Mike and I made plans so that we could have a going away party for her just before she would head off.

 All her close church friends were invited and even Baca showed up! She had been stressed the whole week; making preparations, trip planning, packing and finding someone to take care of her animal. She mentioned it was nice to get out of the house and do something other than worry.

And now we are here staring at the bowl of cereal I had for breakfast. We didn't get a lot of time eating together, but when we did this is how she made cereal for us! So today I made myself Teresa style cereal and it was good! Pray for us we will be passing out fliers all week! Our series starts in a week from tomorrow! Blessings All!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Holy Spirit is something else!!

Its amazing to do this work!! So I was at a door and met Stephanie. It was really interesting because. I tried to  put a Something Better into her hand and she told me she didn't have time to read cookbooks. Also she said I know how to cook already and I don't cook any of this type of stuff. So then I proceeded to put a book we have called Steps to Christ in her hand. She didn't want to take the book into her hand. She didn't want to take that either! She finally took it in her hand to find out it was a religious book and immediately gave it back to me and said I'm not religious and don't do religion. Being a Bible worker/Canvasser I asked that question. "What happened if you don't mind me asking". She didn't want to tell me. After about 3 minutes of getting no where I was ready to walk away, but the Holy Spirit was convicting me to continue to ask questions. After a little bit she started to open up a little bit! I was able to share my testimony and how God was working in my life and she then told me later that I won her over. The most interesting thing though was she started to ask crazy questions about the Bible and when I say crazy I mean the ones that we have answers to that people don't normally ask. Then once I pulled out my Bible and started to show her the answers from the Bible and gave her a flyer to the evangelistic series coming up she asked the million dollar question!!! "Does anybody teach this stuff"? I then said that's why I'm here. The Holy Spirit is something else because this lady went from not even wanting anything to do with me to 45 minutes later signing up for Bible studies!!! It doesn't get any better than that!! God is so amazing! Fight for souls! Jesus came to save every single person. Blessings all! Keep us in prayer.

Monday, February 2, 2015

From Sitting on Pews to Preaching the Good News

 I was tipe-toeing to door as a slung by backpack over my shoulder, it was 8:00 am and I had to get to the church fast! Two night before I was asked to share on Sabbath for the Sermon and at first I was going to share my testimony. Friday night after our Young Adult Vespers Joey, Ashly, Aphi, and little Sebastian came to the church along with Mike and I to practice for song service on Sabbath. Joey asked me to man the sound system to get things going. Once everything was taken care of, I started to work on my sermon. The whole day i had this desire to share something that would engage young and old, but at the same appeal to both. I was tweaking my testimony here an there after a while everyone said goodnight and i was still working things out. I told Joey to take Mike home cause I was going to be a little while longer. I wanted to practice what I had so for and work out the kinks out loud. Well I went through it and I prayed "Lord get me through this." It was going to be my first time sharing a sermon and I was nervous yet excited. I get home and get ready for bed and as i am laying down looking up at the sealing I said another prayer "Lord I don't think this is gonna cut it." As I quickly though of somethings that I could share on... that out of no where came the idea! You see a week before I had helped my dad get something together that he was gonna share about and i instantly though. Why not share the same thing with my own twist! So on Sabbath morning while my house mom was still sleeping I scrambled to get to the church so I could put my message together. God helped me, it was about Evangelism and why we should do it and at the end I shared what evangelism had done in my personal life. By the Grace of God it went well! I praise the Lord for every new step He shows me and I so glad that He gives us the strength to take the next step with Him.